Search a list in JavaScript

UPDATED ON - 5th September, 2024


Aditya Prem Sharma

Aditya Prem Sharma

Frontend Developer

Table of Contents


Best and fastest algorithm for searching in a list (array) in JavaScript depends on various factors such as the size of the list, the nature of the data, and the specific requirements of your application. The choice of algorithm depends on factors such as the size of your data, how often you need to perform searches, whether the data is sorted, and memory constraints. Always consider these factors before deciding on an algorithm.

Here are a few common options:

Linear Search: This is the simplest search algorithm where you iterate over each element in the list until you find the desired element. It's straightforward but not the most efficient, especially for large lists. However, it's suitable for unsorted lists.

Binary Search: This algorithm works only on sorted lists. It's much faster than linear search for large lists because it eliminates half of the remaining elements at each step. In JavaScript, arrays need to be sorted before applying binary search. JavaScript's built-in Array.prototype.indexOf() and Array.prototype.includes() methods use optimized algorithms which are likely more efficient than a naive linear search.

Hash Tables (or JavaScript Objects): If you're looking for exact matches and you have control over the structure of your data, using a hash table (implemented in JavaScript as an object) can provide constant time complexity O(1) for search operations in the average case. However, this assumes that there are no hash collisions and that the hashing function is well-distributed.

Map and Set: JavaScript also provides Map and Set data structures. If you're dealing with unique values, using a Set could be efficient for searching. If you need key-value pairs, Map might be more suitable.

Tree-based Structures (e.g., Binary Search Trees): These data structures can offer efficient searching as well, especially for larger datasets. However, implementing these structures from scratch might require more effort.

Optimized Libraries and Functions: JavaScript libraries and frameworks often provide optimized search algorithms for specific use cases. For example, if you're dealing with a large dataset and need powerful search capabilities, you might consider using libraries like lodash or implementing search algorithms from libraries like lodash or underscore.

Hash Tables

Hash tables, also known as hash maps, are a type of data structure that stores key-value pairs. They provide efficient insertion, deletion, and retrieval of elements, making them ideal for situations where fast access to data is required.


// Using JavaScript object as a hash table
const hashTable = {};

function addToHashTable(key, value) {
    hashTable[key] = value;

function searchInHashTable(key) {
    return hashTable[key];

// Example usage:
addToHashTable("apple", 5);
addToHashTable("banana", 10);
console.log(searchInHashTable("apple")); // Output: 5
console.log(searchInHashTable("banana")); // Output: 10
console.log(searchInHashTable("orange")); // Output: undefined

Here's how hash tables work:

1. Hashing function: Hash tables use a hashing function to convert keys into indices (hash codes) of an array where the corresponding values will be stored. The hashing function should ideally distribute the keys uniformly across the array to minimize collisions (when two different keys produce the same hash code).

2. Array storage: Hash tables typically use an array to store the key-value pairs. Each slot (or bucket) in the array can hold multiple key-value pairs, either as a linked list or an array, depending on the implementation.

3. Insertion: When inserting a key-value pair into a hash table, the hashing function is applied to the key to determine the index where the value will be stored in the array. If the slot at that index is empty, the key-value pair is inserted directly. If the slot is already occupied, collision resolution strategies are employed to handle collisions. Common strategies include chaining (using linked lists or arrays to store multiple key-value pairs at the same index) and open addressing (finding an alternative empty slot within the array).

4. Retrieval: When retrieving a value associated with a key, the hashing function is again applied to the key to determine the index where the value is stored. If the slot at that index contains the desired key-value pair, the value is returned. If not, collision resolution strategies are used to locate the correct key-value pair.

5. Deletion: Deleting a key-value pair from a hash table involves first locating the slot containing the key-value pair and then removing it. If the slot contains multiple key-value pairs (due to collisions), the appropriate collision resolution strategy is used to find and remove the specific key-value pair.


Hash tables provide constant-time average-case complexity O(1) for insertion, deletion, and retrieval operations, assuming a good hashing function and uniform distribution of keys. However, in the worst case, when collisions are frequent, the time complexity can degrade to O(n), where n is the number of key-value pairs in the hash table.

Map & Set

Maps and Sets are data structures available in JavaScript that provide efficient storage and retrieval of data.

Map: A Map is a collection of key-value pairs where each unique key maps to a specific value. Unlike objects in JavaScript, keys in a Map can be of any data type (including objects and functions), and the order of insertion is preserved.

Set: A Set is a collection of unique values, where each value can occur only once. Sets can store any type of value, including primitive types and objects.


// Using Map
const map = new Map();
map.set("apple", 5);

map.set("banana", 10);

console.log(map.get("apple")); // Output: 5
console.log(map.get("banana")); // Output: 10
console.log(map.get("orange")); // Output: undefined

// Using Set
const set = new Set([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);

console.log(set.has(3)); // Output: true
console.log(set.has(6)); // Output: false

Here's how Maps work:

1. Insertion: You can add key-value pairs to a Map using the set() method. If the key already exists, its value is updated; otherwise, a new key-value pair is added.

2. Retrieval: You can retrieve the value associated with a key using the get() method. If the key exists, the method returns the corresponding value; otherwise, it returns undefined.

3. Deletion: You can remove a key-value pair from a Map using the delete() method. If the key exists, the method removes the key-value pair and returns true; otherwise, it returns false.

4. Iteration: You can iterate over the key-value pairs in a Map using methods like forEach(), keys(), values(), or entries().

Here's how Sets work:

1. Insertion: You can add values to a Set using the add() method. If the value already exists in the Set, it is not added again.

2. Retrieval: You can check if a value exists in a Set using the has() method. If the value exists, the method returns true; otherwise, it returns false.

3. Deletion: You can remove a value from a Set using the delete() method. If the value exists, the method removes it from the Set and returns true; otherwise, it returns false.

4. Iteration: You can iterate over the values in a Set using methods like forEach().


Maps provide constant-time complexity O(1) for insertion, retrieval, and deletion operations, making them efficient for storing and accessing data.

Sets provide constant-time complexity O(1) for insertion, retrieval, and deletion operations, making them efficient for storing unique values and performing set operations such as union, intersection, and difference.

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