SEO for 2024: Complete Guide to Increase Website Ranking

UPDATED ON - 16th July, 2024


Aditya Prem Sharma

Aditya Prem Sharma

Frontend Developer

Table of Contents

Why do we need SEO?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is used to improve our website visibility in search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. When you search something on Google, the one with better SEO gets on top of the search results, which eventually gets more traffic. Search engine crawlers analyze your website's content and meta tags and rank them accordingly. There are few steps to take care of in order to rank higher, that is what we call SEO. I've covered all the steps to implementing SEO, which will make your website rank higher. I've provided some SEO strategy as well that you can use to boost your workflow.

From foundational concepts to advanced techniques, we'll cover the latest updates in on page and off page SEO, technical SEO improvements, and the best tools to keep your site competitive. You'll learn how to adapt to the latest algorithm changes, optimize your content for better rankings that will get more organic traffic.

Around 59% of the people clicks only on the top 3 search results, and for top 10 results it's about 90% of people. The rest 10% gets spread across all the rest of the website links which doesn't rank that well. That's why ranking top on google is really important.

SEO Checklist

Things that are required for better website ranking:

  • High Quality Content and Keywords
  • Backlinks
  • Website's responsiveness in mobile phone
  • Images, Image alt tags and Videos inclusiveness
  • Correct Hierarchy of HTML Tags
  • Meta Tags, Open Graph Tags and Sitemap for your website

Keywords in SEO

Keywords are specific words or phrases that we use in our website in order to match it with user's input in the search engines like Google to search. In the context of search engine optimization (SEO), keywords play a crucial role in helping search engines understand the content of web pages and determining which pages are relevant to specific search queries.

SEO Keywords

SEO Keywords Example

Here you can see in search results, the website having relevant keywords, in this example it's "software studio pro" is appearing at the top of the search results. Hence it's important to use relevant keywords in your content as well as meta tags which we will discuss later in this blog.

Keyword Research in SEO

In order to search keywords for your blog, you need to do some research about your content. There are few tools available as well like Semrush or Backlinko, you can search it up, but still you need to know what keywords is getting used by other people for that specific topic which you want to rank.

Using relevant keyword is really important. It will provide you with organic traffic, and the way SEO works is that if your content is relevant to the search keyword, people tend to engage with it more, that results in better ranking. When user clicks on your link from search result and they don't find relevant content, they will exit from that page immediately which will make your website rank go down. That's why use only relevant keywords.

Search for 10-15 popular sets of keywords related to your content and use them across your content. Keywords can be short tailed keywords (1-2 words) or long tailed keywords (3-5 words), the longer the better as the amount of content using that exact combination of long tail keywords are less and so it narrows down competition.

Example of few keywords related to this blog is: SEO strategy, implementing SEO and better rankings.

Content SEO Guide

We have seen quite a few aspects of improving SEO. Now we are focusing on the content specific steps to follow in order to rank better.

Mobile Responsiveness

Let's start with mobile responsiveness. It is well known that if your website is not mobile responsive, google will not rank it higher as most of the users use their phone to browse content these days. So you should have your website not just mobile responsive but it should be responsive in across all device's viewport.

Hierarchy of tags

Now let's talk about the hierarchy of the content. If you have some technical knowledge and you know about HTML, we have 6 heading tags i.e. h1, h2, h3, h4, h5 and h6. Search engine crawlers prioritize the higher tags first i.e. h1, then after that it is h2 and then h3 and so on. So for your main heading, you should always use h1 tag and for sub heading use h2 tag and so on. This will increase your chance to get recognized and if done correctly with appropriate keywords inserted in it, can optimize the content really well.

So you're hierarchy should be h1 -> h2 -> h3 -> p. After h3 you can use any tag you would like as h4, h5 and h6 are not that relevant. Here is an example of what I am talking about:

This is a h1 tag used for heading

This is a h2 tag used for subheading

This is a h3 tag used for sub sub heading

This is p tag used for paragraph

Now this is not required to be in the same exact hierarchy, the point here is that you should use smaller relevance tags (like p) under the high relevance tags (like h1) wherever possible, but you should always use the high relevance tags for heading and sub heading.

Use of Image, Image Alt Text, and Videos

Usage of Images and Videos inside our content is a great idea to improve SEO. It helps to increase user engagement time, if you have interesting photos and relevant videos in your website, then user will stay longer in your website. So high dwell time will result in boosting SEO for the website. Also if you include your YouTube videos in your blog, it will act as a backlink to your video, thus user will engage with it and it will result in increasing traffic to your YouTube as well. So two benefits at once.

Also you should include alt text into your images used in your website, it is necessary as it tells crawlers information about the image. So it can be very effective.

Write better content

You should always write better relevant content in order to give user a better result. User should engage with your content so that search crawlers can gain trust and rank you better for high quality content.

Note: Don't use AI generated content fully, you can take some help, even some lines from it, but the content generated should be humanly as search engines can pick up on that. Also it is a lot easier and trustworthy for end users to read a humanly written content which is easier and more fun to read.

Technical SEO

Meta Tags

Meta tags are snippets of HTML code that provide information about a webpage to search engines and website visitors. They are not visible on the webpage, but are included in the code. Meta tags help search engines understand the content and purpose of a webpage, which influence its ranking in search results. The main Blue link and the description below, that you see on search results, those are written in these title tag and description meta tag itself.

Your website's Title should not exceed 60 characters and your Description should not exceed 160 characters. But you should utilize each and every character possible, fill it up with few keywords and you have an optimized title and description.

Open Graph (OG) Meta Tags

OG meta tags are meta tags specifically used for social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. OG tags provide social media platforms with data about a webpage's title, description, image, and other relevant information when the page is shared on these social platforms. This helps to display relevant social cards, improving its visibility and engagement.

Open Graph Tags LinkedIn Example

OG Tags Effect in Practical Example

This is one of my LinkedIn post where I used my blog URL and it fetched all the OG meta data like Image and Description. Similar way, it does the same across all supported social platforms.

Here is a code snippet of basic meta tags used in the website:


      // This gets displayed on search results in blue main title as well as in browser tab
      <title>Website Title</title>
      // This gets displayed just below title
      <meta name="description" content="Website Description" />
      // This is the logo image displayed in the search results as well as in browser tab
      <link rel="icon" href="/logo.png" />
      <meta name="author" content="Author Name" />
      // OG Meta Tags for social media share
      <meta property="og:type" content="article" />
      <meta property="og:title" content="OG Title" />
      <meta property="og:description" content="OG Description" />
      <meta property="og:image" content="/image.png" />
      <meta property="og:url" content="" />
      <meta property="og:site_name" content="Website Name" />
      // OG Meta Tags specifically for Twitter
      <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image" />
      <meta name="twitter:title" content="Twitter OG Title" />
      <meta name="twitter:description" content="Twitter OG Description" />
      <meta name="twitter:image" content="/image.png" />
      <meta name="twitter:url" content="" />
      <meta name="twitter:site" content="@twitterid" />
      <meta name="twitter:creator" content="@twitterid" />

      <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0" />

Sitemaps for SEO

Sitemaps are files that list all the pages of a website and provide metadata about each page, such as when it was last updated and how often it changes. These files are designed to help search engines like Google crawlers to index a website more effectively. Sitemaps can improve the visibility of a website's pages in search engine results and help search engines understand the structure and hierarchy of the website's content. They are an essential tool for websites as it is one of the fastest ways to get recognized by google crawlers and optimize the website for search engines and improve its ranking.

If you want to know how to implement sitemaps in Next.JS with proper implementation, you can check out this blog Dynamic Sitemap in Next.JS

SEO Takeaways

White Hat SEO vs Black Hat SEO

Black Hat SEO refers to the wrong way of doing SEO to gain higher SEO ranking. This usually doesn't end well as either you will get banned by Google or your ranking will go down drastically. Such bad practices should not be considered.

Common practices of Black Hat SEO involves:
- Keyword stuffing inside low quality or irrelevant content
- Spamming random blogs with backlinks
- Steal other people's article, etc.

White Hat SEO is the right way to do SEO to gain higher ranking. This will be more organic way to gain more traffic.

Common practices for White Hat SEO involves:
- Creating high quality content
- Use of relevant keywords for your content
- Networking with other blogs for backlinks or post relevant backlinks under posts like Quora or Reddit or answer people's question which actually is useful for them.

On Page SEO vs Off Page SEO

On Page SEO is something which you have full control over, which you put in your website. You have full control over it and if done well, it can boost your rankings on google search.

On Page SEO involves:
- Creating better content
- Use of Keywords in your content
- Improve User Engagement by improving User Experience
- Improving website speed
- Use Image Alt Text
- Mobile Responsiveness
- Make URL of your website keyword rich
- Internal Backlinking
- Meta Tags, OG Tags and Sitemaps
- Proper hierarchy of HTML elements

Off Page SEO is something which is used outside of your website which you do not have full control on. This type of SEO focuses on building your site's reputation and authority.

Off Page SEO involves:
- Backlinks from another website
- Social Media Marketing
- Brand Mentions
- Online Reviews
- Influencer Outreach

Write Long Content

Longer content usually ranks better than shorter content. Although your content should not be too long otherwise it will be hard for the end user to cover it all, but the content should be long enough and descriptive enough so that it is detailed quality content. Focus more on Quality rather than Quantity. Long content usually has more backlinks and it engages in more social shares. Also longer content has more Keywords in general.

The average content length for a web page that ranks in the top ten results for any keyword on Google has at least 2,000 words.

Update Content Regularly

Search engines like Google, Latest Content gets more priority than older content. It has better CTR (Click Through Rate) as users tend to read updated information. Also you can add more newer backlinks to your website, keep your website updated with relevant Keywords, add more content to keep up with the trend and so on. So always remember to update your content regularly.

Use Related Keywords

There is a section under Google search results which has Related Search Results. You can leverage that as well.

Related Search Results

Related Keywords on Google Search

You can choose some popular Keywords from google search recommendations and use it in your content.

Use Better Title

Use some common, eye catching Title that user would likely to search and engage. Add relevant, eye catching Suffix or Prefix to your Title and you are good to go.

Prefix example:
- Ultimate Guide: "Ultimate Guide to Implementing SEO in 2024"
- Top 10: "Top 10 Tips for Improving Your SEO Strategy"
- How To: "How-To Improve Your Website's SEO Ranking"

Suffix example:
- Checklist: "SEO Strategies: Ultimate 2024 Checklist"
- For Beginners: "SEO Essentials for Beginners"
- Made Easy: "SEO Optimization Made Easy"

Combining Prefix and Suffix example:
- Ultimate Guide + In 2024: "Ultimate Guide to SEO Strategies in 2024"
- Top + You Need to Know: "Top SEO Tips You Need to Know"
- Beginner’s Guide + Explained: "Beginner’s Guide to SEO Basics Explained"

Have References

Before creating your content, search for the content on google relevant to your content which is ranking high on search result, take some inspiration from that, see what Keywords they are using, and write even better content than theirs. But remember not to copy their content, you just need to take inspiration from them. It is better to give them credit for taking inspiration from them, reach out to them and you can even share your content and request them for backlinking. See what works for you better.

Reach Out To People

You can reach out to websites having high authority in search rankings, ask them for backlink to your website. You can even share your content over social medias to increase user engagement.

Hope this article helps you out to improve your SEO. I'll update this article regularly to keep you up to date with the latest SEO trends.

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